Course Outline

    1. Welcome!

    2. How to Navigate the Course

    1. Standing Out in Cluttered Inboxes

    2. Making Your Landing Page Pretty

    3. 7 Tips for Feelin' Yourself (on Camera)

    4. Video Sequencing Tips & Tricks

    5. Creating Accessible Content

    6. Best Practices Quiz

    1. Introduction to Stewardship

    2. Your Nonprofit Stewardship Plan

    3. Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona combines videos to create a heartfelt thank you.

    4. YMCA Camp Seagull / Camp Seafarer creates an energetic fundraiser follow-up.

    5. Stewardship Summary

    1. Introduction to Engagement

    2. The CEO of United Bankers' Bank sends an event follow up.

    3. Connor Prairie sends personalized birthday videos.

    4. Alpha Gamma Delta thanks volunteers.

    5. Supercharge Your Volunteer Engagement

    6. Engagement Summary

    1. Introduction to Fundraising & Appeals

    2. YMCA Manito-Wish recruits staff using a creative video.

    3. Glacier Symphony Orchestra & Chorale makes a compelling ask.

    4. 20 Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas

    5. Fundraising & Appeals Summary

    1. Congrats!

    2. Your Year of ThankView

    3. Reflection Discussion

    4. Course Completion Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons


Enablement Specialist Sydney L.

I love anything that has to do with technology, making the world a kinder place, and connecting people to things that spark joy and make their lives easier. Naturally, I ended up here - rambling at you through a screen about how to utilize merge fields more effectively in your outreach. And there’s no place I’d rather be!